Sometimes I catch myself thinking that it would be nice to work a concert photographer. Somehow it happened that many of my friends in some ways are connected with music. And because I didn't have any natural musical talent, I show my love for music through photography. And I also love live music. And taking pictures of musicians (not only on the stage). But this is the 'bright' side of it. There is always a dark side, like it happened with Annie Leibovitz. Because of constant tours with The Rollings Stones, she became dependent on drugs along with the musicians (thank God she left in the past). Of course, I wouldn't like to travel with such band, but sometimes job happens. And I'm not sure I would love to do it as 'job' yet. But, I still can enjoy the 'bright' side of concert photography, that's why this time I'm showing you Ukrainian freak-cabaret band 'Dakh Daughters'.
Часом я ловлю себе на думці, що була б не проти бути концертним фотографом. Так склалося, що у мене є багато друзів, чия діяльність так чи інакше пов'язана з музикою. А через те, що я сама вухом-слухом не вдалась, то ця любов до музики у мене проявляється через фото. І ще я дуже люблю живу музику. І люблю фотографувати музикантів (не тільки на сцені). Але це хороша сторона. У таких речей є ще й темна сторона, як наприклад було в Ані Лейбовіц. Через постійні гастролі із Rolling Stones вона "за компанію" підсіла на наркотики та усілякі інші страшні речі (Слава Богу вона залишила це в минулому). Я, звичайно, не хотіла б поїхати з таким гуртом, але робота є різна. І я не впевнена, що хотіла б це робити "роботою", ще не знаю...Надто багато усіляких "але". Але! поки що маю змогу насолоджуватись хорошою стороною концертної фотографії, тому для вас - нова підбірка, цього разу Dakh Daughters у Львові. Фотографувати їх було дуже цікавезно.
You are a really good photographer!!! I love your compositions.
ReplyDeleteThank you Frayda! That's very sweet of you.
DeleteChristians cannot support unbelieving Musicians who hate God and who write evil songs.
ReplyDeleteEither you give your life for Jesus completely and go the Narrow way that leads to Life or you love the World.There is no other way
Being a musician myself I can understand your love of live music,but sadly in this world most musicians hate God and write very evil songs with blasphemous lyrics.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot love worldly music with a good conscience.
Read 1 John 2:14 "Love not the world"
You must choose between Jesus christ or the world.
You cannot love worldly things and love Jesus,
Please do not be offended by my honesty
I only write these things to help you know the truth.
I hope Jesus christ opens your eyes to understand Gods word.
You are making a very big mistake by loving sinful worldly musicians.
God is not mocked you reap what you sow.
I hope you understand that I only want to help you and my only motive is obedience to gods word out of christs love.
I always preach the whole truth
We should love honest criticisn, a wise man loves being rebuked.
And "open rebuke is better than secret love"