Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Monthly blogs discovery : March

Before even start blogging on a regular basis, I've been carried away with different blogs about photography and art in general, because there people can be completely honest and truthful . And now while been blogger myself, I'm even more  into reading and discovering new blog, which now are my regular sourse of inspiration. 
Every month I discover lots of new people and their blogs and I just want to share with you  all this beauty and inspirational stuff I come across. These blogs are not necessarily about photography,but usually - they are :)  I'll try to post 5 favourite blogs every month with a little edition with my photos. 
So, 5 March favourites are:
I hope you'll enjoy these blogs as much as I do. Spring atmosphere is everywhere, even though it's quite windy here. I hardly belive we are in the middle of March. And it's my senior year that's ending on the 3 of April! 
 New life begins soon :)

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